Anthony Trucks
Anthony Trucks is a successful coach and speaker, helping others
reach their full potential. He shares his journey from foster care to
the NFL and more through the "Dark Work Experience."
Anthony Trucks is a successful coach and speaker, helping others
reach their full potential. He shares his journey from foster care to
the NFL and more through the "Dark Work Experience."
Anthony Trucks is a former NFL football player, American Ninja Warrior competitor, and successful entrepreneur. He is also a sought-after speaker and identity shift coach, helping others access their full potential. With his “Dark Work Experience,” he teaches people how to Make Shift Happen in their lives. His inspiring journey from foster care to success is a testament to the power of determination and resilience.
Whether it’s to raise the bar and access success at work, start a business, become an author, or reach the top of Mt. Everest, we all have big goals in life. But many of us spend more time talking about the things we want to do, than actually doing them. Yet every day we’re surrounded by people who achieve really big goals. From executives to entrepreneurs to athletes, we all have someone we admire for the elite level of success they’ve achieved. But why were they so successful, when so many of us fall short of our goals time after time?
As a former NFL football player, American Ninja Warrior, and successful entrepreneur, Anthony Trucks knows it takes an incredible amount of work to achieve big goals and elite levels of success. But many times, there are necessary “shifts” standing between what we want to achieve and what we believe we’re actually capable of achieving. Anthony believes these “identity shifts” are the KEY to reaching our goals, because they unleash the amount of effort, we put toward achieving them.
In this insightful and engaging program, Anthony shares how we can make the “shifts” thatwill skyrocket us to achieving our biggest goals. Learn the three core “shift stages” — See, Shift, and Sustain — and how elite performers use them to reach higher levels of success in their career, their relationships, and in life. Get ready to Make Shift Happen!
Takeaways: In this program, you’ll learn...
Everyone has a desire to access their next level of success in life, but it’s hindered by anunseen force holding them back. An inability to apply relentless pressure towards theirdream and achieve it at all costs. Champions win not only because they have worked hard,but because they have outworked their competition and instilled a deeply rootedconviction to compete. They will die before they let someone who hasn’t worked as hard asthem beat them.
It’s the work they’ve done in the dark that allows them to shine in the light. As a former foster kid turned NFL football player, American Ninja Warrior, and successful entrepreneur, Anthony Trucks is an anomaly by any statistic and the only way he was able to shine in the light is because of his “Dark Work Experiences” that molded him, hardened him, and built up Dark Work Energy that fields his passion to succeed and shine in the light.
Most people want to “shine” without doing what’s necessary to earn it, and they find themselves falling short of their potential for a lifetime. Anthony believes that when you finally understand the power of a Dark Work Experience, and how to properly and intentionally put yourself through one, you’ll find the “hidden in plain sight” secret to unlimited success in absolutely any area of your life.
In this powerful and soul shaking program, Anthony shares how we can “Do The Dark Work” that will allow us to compete with conviction to shine our brightest in the light.
Learn the three phases of a “Dark Work Experience” — Respect The Shine, Do The Dark Work, and Emerge — and how world class achievers utilize them to access levels of success in their career, their relationships, and in life that 99% of people never experience. It’s time to do the work in the dark so NO ONE can take what is yours in the light!
Takeaways: In this program, you’ll learn...
Anthony Trucks is a former Foster Child, NFL Football Player, Competitor on American Ninja Warrior, Author, and Identity Shift Coach. From foster care to the NFL, to successful business owner, Anthony Trucks has accomplished what statistics would say is impossible.
But it didn’t start out that way. At the age of three years old he was placed into the foster care system where he remained until age 14, when he was adopted by a poor,all-white family. In high school he set a challenging and lofty goal for himself …making the varsity football team. Hard work and determination lead to Anthony not only making the team but being offered a full ride scholarship to the University of Oregon and ultimately going pro in the NFL.
A fluke shoulder injury sent his NFL dreams crashing down just as quickly as they’d come. Drawing on what he had learned in childhood, Anthony realized that he had to pivot and pivot quickly.
With a degree in kinesiology, Anthony decided to open his own gym. However, it wasn’t long before Anthony found himself run down with a struggling business and a personal life that was suffering as well.
A conversation with a friend reminded Anthony that others viewed him as an inspiration and a hero because, despite the odds, he always overcame. In that moment, Anthony began to think, “what if I could be an inspiration for others?” It occurred to Anthony that the gap between his current situation and his desired outcome wasn’t a method, a secret marketing strategy, or anything like that. What was missing, was within.
Anthony once again put in the work. He spent years researching, practicing, and essentially rewiring his brain on a deep psychological level to achieve the necessary changes to become the person he wanted to be. Little by little, he slowly became a well oiled “shift making” machine.
Grit is a term that has gained popularity in recent years, particularly in the field of psychology. It refers to the ability to persevere through difficult situations, and to maintain focus and motivation over a long period of time. While some people may be born with natural grit, it is a trait that
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