Curtis Morley
5.00 of 5
Top rated!5 of 5
So many things about emotions that the general population needs to know that will change the course of how we view ourselves and how we view the world. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and knowledge!
Sally S.
5.00 of 5
Top rated!5 of 5
So many things about emotions that the general population needs to know that will change the course of how we view ourselves and how we view the world. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and knowledge!
Sally S.
5 of 5
So many things about emotions that the general population needs to know that will change the course of how we view ourselves and how we view the world. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and knowledge!
Sally S.
Curtis Morley
5 of 5
Understanding Counterfeit Emotions changed my life forever.
Susan J.
Curtis Morley
5 of 5
Almost immediately I started to recognize things and behaviors that were the opposite of what I had intended. Being taught to be nice my whole life and not realizing that it was damaging was eye-opening.
Rob A.
Curtis Morley
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Watch Curtis Morley in action!