They inspired her to fly when she was a little girl. Now, Dr. Roberta Bondar strives to protect the precious and threatened avian heritage of Earth. As astronauts fly across political boundaries without seeing divisions from space, so do birds, especially migratory birds that are declining in numbers at an alarming rate. They have much to teach us about flight and feathers, navigation and habitat health.
Most of all, they are extraordinary life forms that we cannot create or replace. When birdsong was noticeably missing during her spaceflight, Dr. Bondar grew wary of what Earth would be like if birds vanished as a life form because of changing climates or habitat degradation from human activity. Dr. Bondar created Protecting Space for Birds, a multi-year project to document threatened and endangered species internationally from three points of view: from the surface of Earth, aerial images and from the space perspective. Her fine art photography is featured in exhibitions, social media and published works.