5.00 of 5
Top rated!Eddy Willems
5 of 5
Eddy is one of the few people who combines a thorough knowledge of security and a clear, pleasant and fascinating way of storytelling.
Jeroen Wils
Manager of Bepublic, former chief-editor of Het Nieuws at VTM
5.00 of 5
Top rated!5 of 5
Eddy is one of the few people who combines a thorough knowledge of security and a clear, pleasant and fascinating way of storytelling.
Jeroen Wils
Manager of Bepublic, former chief-editor of Het Nieuws at VTM
5 of 5
Eddy is one of the few people who combines a thorough knowledge of security and a clear, pleasant and fascinating way of storytelling.
Jeroen Wils Manager of Bepublic, former chief-editor of Het Nieuws at VTM
Eddy Willems
5 of 5
Eddy has the rare gift to explain a very technical problem and solution in a language that everybody understands, without compromising the correctness of the facts.
Richard Zwienenberg Executive Committee Member of the IEEE Internet Connections Security Group, Senior Research Fellow ESET
Eddy Willems
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Watch Eddy in action!