During his time with the department of Defense in Norway, Erik participated in numerous international missions as a part of Special Forces. From the world of business, Erik has experience from Finansbanken, NetCom and Mercuri Urval where he worked with recruitment, selection and leadership development. Today he works with Boston Consulting Group, one of the world's leading management consulting firms.
Erik Bertrand Larssen has also worked as a mental coach for several years. Both the business and athletic industry have used his knowledge and skills to improve performance in their personal and professional life. He was the mental coach for the national skiing team at the world championship in Oslo in 2011.
Erik has always been curious about mental development and impact. This is particularly in relation to achievement and potential and the qualities that separate the the best from the rest. Erik Bertrand’s insight and methods for mental coaching has benefitted many athletes, stockbrokers, and leaders from top companies. His book
Hell Week: Seven Days to Be Your Best Self
shows readers how they can begin to change their life’s path in a single week by going through a specially tailored version of the elite military exercise.
Erik is highly passionate about making his clients perform better and he is a talented speaker with the ability to inform and motivate behavioral changes.