During World War II, Freddy’s mother and grandparents escaped from Nazi Germany for survival. However, his great-uncle and great-aunt both perished in Auschwitz, while his great-grandma was able to survive the awful concentration camps. An educated teacher, Freddy’s knowledge of the Holocaust and Judaism is not just personal, and he will almost certainly teach you about events and things, you never knew happened.
In his presentations Freddy shares his and his family’s personal stories and explains how his background and roots have affected him. He is a favorite among schools, where he continues to educate and inspire young adults to think about the issues of our history. Freddy has also given several talks to teachers, parents and the general public.
Unfortunately, anti-semitism is not a thing of the past. In his talks, Freddy discusses the issue of the rise of anti-semitism and draws in examples of his own experiences, both from his personal and professional life as a RE and music teacher. He talks about how it is to be Jewish today and strips away all myths and stereotypes regarding religion.
Not everyone is able to present a subject so tragic and difficult in a respectful manner, but Freddy continues to impress schools with his educational keynotes that leave room for thought.