As a speaker, facilitator, trainer and coach, with a background in psychology, a decade in investments and a further decade coaching senior women on confidence and leadership - Harriet specialises in working with companies in traditionally male dominated industries including banking, financial services and tech. She supports her clients to recruit and retain the best female talent at all levels; to shift their culture to one of outstanding allyship and to get a genuine ROI on their gender-focused DEI initiatives.
Harriet ticks many diversity boxes that provide her with extensive lived experience of being ‘different’: she is a Jewish, queer, full-time single mother to one neurodivergent teenager, and another who is gender nonconforming. She has plenty of personal experience around psychological health and physical disability issues too; Harriet is over 20 years in recovery from addictions and complex trauma, overcame serious injury and a pain condition following a car accident in 2016, as well as surviving breast cancer in 2018.
Harriet's speaking style is authentic, engaging and interactive, leaving her audiences with practical tools and processes they can use right away for maximum impact and transformation. She blends research, frameworks and mindset shifts with interaction and discussion to shift her audience’s thoughts, actions and feelings on emotive subject matter.