Jens Heitland combines Innovation and Leadership to Human Innovation.
After Jens stepped down as global Head of Innovation IKEA Centres in 2019, he set out to accelerate the way organizations innovate successfully. He believes that processes and the organizational setup are just one part of the Innovation equation. Human Leadership is the missing part to innovate an organization successfully.
Innovation + Leadership = Human Innovation
Everything he does is part of this equation. Jens is considered one of the leading minds of corporate innovation. Known as CONNECTEUR he is described as a forward thinker and connector of thoughts, people and businesses by the people he engages with.
Jens is an innovator at heart - he innovates businesses with people. Today he owns or co-owns several businesses. He is the founder of SUCCEED, a Leadership Education Platform that is set out to bring leadership education to 1 billion people by 2030. He owns The Human Innovation Academy where he and his colleagues help innovative leaders and teams to build innovation into their organizations. Jens owns HEITLAND INNOVATION, a company that helps organizations to innovate through an innovative interim Innovation Manager setup which has served clients in UK, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, United States, The Netherlands and Spain. In addition to contributing to several companies he lectures at StartUB! Barcelona University, Amsterdam University and is a Startup Mentor at StartUB! of Barcelona University.
His podcast Human Innovation - The Jens Heitland Show ranks among the top podcasts in the innovation field globally. He is a public speaker and talks about human innovation, reverse mentorship and what he learned innovating at local and global positions in companies like IKEA, Deutsche Bank(M+W Zander) , Fjord (Accenture) and Foot Locker.