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Adapting to Economic Shifts

John Manzella

travels from USA

John Manzella delivers critical insights on global trade and economics, helping organizations navigate complex international challenges.

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5 out of 5 stars

John is an extremely insightful and dynamic speaker. He eloquently provided his thought leadership around current economic and global trends in a way that truly resonated with the audience. It was a privilege and an honor to have John as our guest speaker.

Catherine Dumont, High Tech Marketing Manager, UPS See all references

Why you should book John Manzella for your next event

  • Access transformative insights from John Manzella, a former CEO of World Trade Center BN, offering strategic direction that can significantly propel your organization’s global growth and success.
  • Receive tailored solutions and strategic insights informed by John Manzella’s leadership with the Upstate New York District Export Council and influential trade organizations.
  • Utilize actionable strategies and expert guidance developed from John Manzella’s high-profile features in prestigious publications like The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg, providing authoritative perspectives for your business.
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Unlock unparalleled insights with John Manzella, a globally recognized expert in trade policy and economic trends. His acclaimed books and columns provide strategic direction crucial for navigating today’s complex global landscape. With endorsements from top publications and a track record of advising major corporations, he delivers actionable strategies to ensure your organization thrives amid economic and political shifts. Secure his keynote to gain the edge in global business.

Why you should book John Manzella for your next event

  • Access transformative insights from John Manzella, a former CEO of World Trade Center BN, offering strategic direction that can significantly propel your organization’s global growth and success.
  • Receive tailored solutions and strategic insights informed by John Manzella’s leadership with the Upstate New York District Export Council and influential trade organizations.
  • Utilize actionable strategies and expert guidance developed from John Manzella’s high-profile features in prestigious publications like The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg, providing authoritative perspectives for your business.

John Manzella is a globally acclaimed keynote speaker renowned for his deep expertise in global business, trade policy, and economic trends. John Manzella offers invaluable insights that help organizations navigate the complexities of the international market. His presentations are crafted to provide actionable strategies and forward-thinking solutions tailored to address the challenges faced by today’s businesses.

John Manzella’s extensive background includes authoring several influential books and contributing expert commentary to major publications like The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and NPR. His profound knowledge and strategic vision make him an essential asset for any organization looking to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving global economy.

When you book John Manzella for your event, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge and practical advice that can transform your approach to global business and trade. His engaging keynote speeches are designed to motivate and equip your team with the tools needed to tackle economic uncertainties and leverage emerging opportunities.

John Manzella’s unique perspective and proven expertise make him the ideal choice. To secure this distinguished speaker for your next event, contact us today for John Manzella booking information.

See keynotes with John Manzella
Keynote by John Manzella

Global Risks, New Realities, and Ripple Effects

The United States and Europe face many critical risks and realities that are shaping our future. These include:

  • rising trade protectionism, Chinese challenges, supply chain concerns, the direction of globalization, and the need to achieve access to the world’s 8 billion consumers;
  • demographic shifts, worsening labor shortages, immigration concerns, and the need to automate; and
  • rising inequality, growing populism, divisive polarization, threats to capitalism, and the need for balance.

What should we do? This engaging program explores these issues, cuts through the clutter, and offers strategies to navigate the dangers ahead. Plus, it connects the dots between declining fertility rates and living standards, examines the Brexit blunder, and reveals Chinese dangers, unmasks Chinese vulnerabilities, and delves into its unsustainable trajectory.

Keynote by John Manzella

Economic Trends, Global Trade, Labor and What’s Ahead

Pandemic-related realities and the fallout from the Russia-Ukraine war continue to impact the U.S. and global economy, while complexities with China add new risks. Combined with the energy revolution, shifting demographics, and challenges with the USMCA and Europe, these issues are shaping our future. What does this mean to you? This invaluable program analyzes economic trends, examines trading relationships, reveals Chinese dangers, and explores critical issues involving labor, skills, automation, and immigration. Additionally, it offers survival strategies and provides insight on what’s ahead.

This popular program covers four important areas that impact each other:

  • Macroeconomics: GDP forecast, long term economic risks, factors impacting growth and inflation, energy, housing, global GDP, and country forecasts, etc.
  • Labor: unemployment forecasts, shifting demographics, worsening labor shortages, falling participation levels and reasons, strategies to attract and retain labor, automation, immigration, etc.
  • Trade and globalization: the direction of globalization, impact on industry and workers, USMCA, Europe and Brexit, emphasis on China’s direction, decoupling prospects, Chinese risks and challenges, etc.
  • Capitalism is being threatened: The need to maintain reasonable tax rates is necessary in order to incentivize entrepreneurs to take risk, while generating enough revenue to help stabilize or prevent the continued erosion of the U.S. middle class (similar situation around the globe). As the middle class erodes, voters tend to support populists on the far right and left. In both cases, capitalism is at risk.
Keynote by John Manzella

American Realities, Critical Risks and Survival Strategies

The key to American free-market capitalism lies in our ability to innovate new products and services and deliver them worldwide. This requires pro-trade policies, an educated labor force, and an environment that incentivizes entrepreneurs to take risks that create new companies, technologies, and jobs. However, critical risks stand in the way.

  • New technologies and globalization have tremendously improved our standard of living, but many have been left behind that support far left and right populists who may ultimately threaten capitalism.
  • Unless addressed, shifting demographics will translate into fewer consumers and worsening labor shortages.
  • The pandemic, Russian war, and Chinese tensions have forced companies to continually assess risks that impact supply chains and globalization.

This stimulating and insightful program explores these issues, analyzes economic trends, delves into labor and Chinese challenges, and provides strategies to prepare for what’s ahead.

Keynote by John Manzella

Economic Trends, Globalization and the Need to Improve American Capitalism

Rising protectionism, populism and inequality, along with economic trends and the lessons of Covid-19, are having a profound impact on the United States, globalization and American capitalism. Plus, skills deficits, immigration issues, and tensions with China are severely affecting industry. In addition, advances in automation and digitalization, and the need for lifelong learning are adding greater complexity. This thought-provoking program peers into the chain reactions of what’s unfolding, reveals the myths and realities of globalization, and examines the need to improve American capitalism so we don’t lose it.

Watch John Manzella in action!

Navigating Today’s Global Risks and Realities

Watch John Manzella in action!

John Manzella Speaker Demo Reel

Watch John Manzella in action!

Democracy, Capitalism and Why China Is Doomed

Watch John Manzella in action!

Chinese Challenges Offer U.S. Companies Few Options

Watch John Manzella in action!

Prepare for an Unrelenting Worker Shortage

Watch John Manzella in action!

America’s Critical Challenges Pose Serious Risks

Watch John Manzella in action!

John Manzella's Speaking Engagements & Services

See keynotes with John Manzella


John is an extremely insightful and dynamic speaker. He eloquently provided his thought leadership around current economic and global trends in a way that truly resonated with the audience. It was a privilege and an honor to have John as our guest speaker.

Catherine Dumont

High Tech Marketing Manager, UPS

John gave an excellent keynote speech on the latest economic trends and the industry-specific impact at the FeedInfo Summit last week in Vienna, Austria. As a Talent Acquisition professional with a focus on Europe, his presentation was particularly insightful on labor markets and what employees want. He pinpointed very well the influence of the Chinese economy with specific U.S. and European market distinctions. I was very glad to hear his analysis, which was different than the usual ones. After the presentation I had the opportunity to discuss more with John, including details of his experience in U.S. policy-making circles. If one wants to gain a broader perspective, I encourage you to hear John speak and follow him on Social media.

Andra Ardeleanu

Talent Acquisition Lead, Bunge

John is an excellent speaker who understands global trends and U.S.-China trade very well. His insight on how U.S. Members of Congress operate is extremely informative and thought provoking to stakeholders of international business.

Intan Chen

Director, Executive MBA Program Asia, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business

John’s presentation at the New England Relocation Association conference was the sharpest and most insightful explanation of the current macro economy I’ve heard. He doesn’t just “talk the talk,” he thoughtfully has mastered the factors that have led to where we are today, and understands what must be done to initiate growth in the United States and world economy. Importantly, he can convey these complex ideas in a straight-forward, clear and concise manner — something few of his peers can do. John is engaging, likable and pensive. Several members of our association ecstatically declared how impressed they were with his presentation. He should be on CNBC and CNN every day.

Brandon Tabassi

Relocation Director, RE/MAX Partners

In Cargill, we use experts on industry mega-trends, like John Manzella, to bring an outside-in mindset and spark innovative thinking to serve our customers into the future. John was articulate and clear, providing us an inspiring and enlightening session on international trade and economic trends at the inaugural Alaatus Technical Leaders Forum. Thank you for joining us, John!

Dr. Suzanne Petersen

Global SMT Director, Ruminants, Cargill, Animal Nutrition & Health

We were very fortunate to have John Manzella as our keynote speaker for the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce’s Economic Outlook. His presentation elevated our program and he was very well-received. John’s content expertly navigated economic complexity and interdependency at a global and national scale. He highlighted potential risk and offered suggestions for addressing challenges and opportunities relevant to organizations and communities. We received numerous compliments for his presentation, as well as his warmth and generosity. It was a pleasure to meet him and we hope he’ll return again to Asheville.

Heidi Reiber

Senior Director of Research, Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce

Always one of the highest-rated speakers at our Association’s event! John does a great job of putting all the market, trade, labor, etc. data together to characterize what is going on and more importantly provide insight into what lies ahead.

Tina Wojnar

Association Program Manager

You deeply understand U.S.-Chinese relations and we thank you for your brilliant analysis.

Zhang Yuanpeng

Director and Research Fellow, Institute of World Economy, Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Social Sciences

I had the privilege and pleasure of listening to John Manzella deliver a keynote at our annual association event. I was completely impressed by his depth of knowledge and ability to deliver a complex topic to an audience that does not deal in geopolitical economics. John’s breadth of knowledge and insights were precise, deep, and sophisticated, yet he made the topic relatable, digestible, and easy to understand. His areas of focus were timely and well connected, and his ability to elevate the audience was impressive. Without hesitation, I highly recommend John and look forward to having him speak at our next corporate event.

Matthew Saltzman

Chief Executive Officer, Louisville Tile

It was a privilege to introduce John Manzella at the WWEMA Annual Meeting, where he delivered an outstanding and insightful keynote. He was invited back by popular demand due to his expertise and understanding of current economic trends. His presentation was easy to grasp for any audience — yet very complex in nature with detailed data points. I can’t wait to hear John speak again. I highly recommend him for your event.

Vincent Baldasare

National Sales Manager of Engineered Systems, The Gorman-Rupp Company
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John Manzella
John Manzella

5 out of 5 stars

John is an extremely insightful and dynamic speaker. He eloquently provided his thought leadership around current economic and global trends in a way that truly resonated with the audience. It was a privilege and an honor to have John as our guest speaker.

Catherine Dumont, High Tech Marketing Manager, UPS See all references

Keynote topics with John Manzella