Josh Valman, a prodigious figure in engineering and innovation, embarked on his extraordinary journey at the tender age of 10. A trailblazer from the start, he honed his skills on the sets of BBC's Robot Wars, progressing from Lego constructions to collaborating with factories in the UK and China by the age of 13. At just 15, he found himself collaborating with global businesses, steering their manufacturing strategies and engineering designs.
However, at 17, Josh faced an unexpected twist when he was fired—his age unbeknownst to those benefiting from his multi-million dollar production strategies. Undeterred, he founded RPD International, a company bridging the gap between ideas and mass production. Over 12 successful years, RPD International became a global force, culminating in its acquisition and transformation into RPDK within the Kinara International manufacturing group in 2023.
As a keynote speaker, Josh Valman brings a wealth of expertise to the stage, drawing from his vast experience in transforming concepts into tangible products. His keynotes are more than speeches; they are dynamic experiences that empower organizations to unlock innovation, streamline processes, and achieve unparalleled success in manufacturing. With a focus on the human and organizational aspects of challenges, Josh provides unique insights that transcend traditional engineering problem-solving.
Organizations seeking a transformative keynote speaker can book Josh Valman for an unparalleled experience. His ability to distill complex engineering concepts into actionable strategies, coupled with his track record of success, makes him a sought-after speaker for audiences ranging from startups to industry giants. Elevate your event, inspire your team, and revolutionize your approach to manufacturing—book Josh Valman for a keynote that transcends expectations.