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The Power of Sound in Business Performance

Julian Treasure

travels from UK

Julian Treasure helps businesses unlock powerful communication and sound strategies, proven to enhance customer engagement and productivity.

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5 out of 5 stars

Julian’s presentation was not only an inspiration business-wise, but it was also a good mixture of information - conveyed in a lively way - and provided great learnings for everyday life. His subject is universal and relevant for everyone.

Anne Guennewig, Corporate Communications Manager, Panasonic Europe See all references

Why you should book Julian Treasure for your next event

  • Author of award-winning books and audiobooks such as How to Be Heard and Sound Business, offering practical, evidence-based communication techniques that businesses worldwide rely on.
  • Winner of Toastmasters Golden Gavel and International Listening Association’s awards, recognizing Julian’s unmatched expertise in communication.
  • Trusted advisor to major global brands, proving the transformative power of sound and communication strategies in enhancing business performance and customer satisfaction.
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Elevate your organization’s performance with Julian Treasure, an acclaimed TED speaker and authority on conscious listening, effective speaking, and sound in business. With over 150 million TED views and 20+ years of experience advising global brands, Julian's strategies empower businesses to enhance customer experiences, improve internal communication, and drive lasting success. His practical, proven techniques transform the way teams listen and speak, unlocking new levels of collaboration and productivity.

Why you should book Julian Treasure for your next event

  • Author of award-winning books and audiobooks such as How to Be Heard and Sound Business, offering practical, evidence-based communication techniques that businesses worldwide rely on.
  • Winner of Toastmasters Golden Gavel and International Listening Association’s awards, recognizing Julian’s unmatched expertise in communication.
  • Trusted advisor to major global brands, proving the transformative power of sound and communication strategies in enhancing business performance and customer satisfaction.

Keynote speaker Julian Treasure is a globally recognized expert in conscious listening, powerful speaking, and the profound impact of sound on business performance. With over 150 million views on his TED talks, including the widely acclaimed How to Speak So That People Want to Listen, Julian Treasure captivates audiences with his engaging delivery and insightful strategies for effective communication.

Julian emphasizes the importance of sound in shaping customer experiences and driving organizational success. His extensive experience with major global brands illustrates how mastering the art of listening and speaking can enhance collaboration, increase productivity, and foster meaningful connections with customers. By understanding the nuances of auditory environments, organizations can create a more engaging atmosphere that resonates with their audience.

When you book Julian Treasure for your event, you’re investing in a transformative experience that equips your team with practical tools to elevate their communication skills. His dynamic presentations provide actionable insights that inspire change, helping employees become more effective communicators and leaders.

For organizations seeking to unlock their full potential through improved listening and speaking, Julian Treasure is the perfect choice. His unique blend of expertise and practical advice will empower your team to drive business growth, enhance engagement, and achieve lasting success. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from one of the foremost authorities in communication.

See keynotes with Julian Treasure
Keynote by Julian Treasure

Secrets of Listening

Many of us struggle to truly listen. This leads to widespread ineffective communication, costing companies billions. Julian explores this simple but widely undervalued skill that each of us can use to improve our trust-based relationships, leadership, sales skills – and thus our happiness, effectiveness and well-being.

Keynote by Julian Treasure

The Listening Organisation

Research shows that most organisations are abject at listening, and the cost is huge: lost loyalty in staff and customers, lost sales, reduced morale, and more frequent crises and conflicts. Julian shows how to avoid the threats to organisational listening, and reveals the skills and tools leaders and managers can deploy in order to create a listening organisation with enhanced success and well-being.

Keynote by Julian Treasure

How to Speak so that People Want to Listen

Have you ever felt like you’re talking, but nobody is listening? Julian unpacks the secrets of powerful speaking — from designing great content to vocal exercises and tips on building rapport – including a public speaking masterclass from this five-time TED speaker.

Keynote by Julian Treasure

Sound Affects!

Julian transforms the audience’s relationship with sound by demonstrating how it affects everything from our heart-rate to our thinking and behaviour. He explores the wonders of sound in a grand tour from the birth of the universe to snapping shrimps and office noise to discover how we can use the right sound to lead healthier, happier lives.

Keynote by Julian Treasure

Sound Business

Most business sound is accidental, incongruent and even hostile. As founder of one of the world’s leading audio branding companies, Julian uses first-hand case studies to showcase the power of intentional, designed sound to increase sales, customer satisfaction, and brand recognition. He also describes the coming audio revolution and its implications for marketers and the radio industry.

Keynote by Julian Treasure

Designing with Our Ears

Did you know that the wrong sound can degrade productivity by up to two thirds? Julianmexplores the hidden ‘aural architecture’ of important spaces such as offices, hospitals and schools. He reveals the four simple steps needed to design spaces that enhance rather than degrade effectiveness and well-being.

Keynote by Julian Treasure

Training/Consultancy Workshops

Julian tailors workshops and coaching to fit the exact needs of each client. The topics are usually powerful speaking and/or conscious listening. Workshops typically comprise a series of 90- minute sessions. These can take place in intensive format (one day / four sessions, or two days / eight sessions), or the sessions can be spread over a period of days or weeks. In-person work is usually in the intensive format to reduce travel time and cost.

Workshops include many practical exercises that are designed to embed the practices in delegates’ neurology. A follow-up Q&A session some weeks afterwards is recommended to cement the learnings.

Coaching is typically virtual, carried out in a series of one-hour sessions, individually designed after an initial half-hour briefing session.

Consultancy can cover many areas: audio branding, organisational listening, acoustic design, noise control, telephone sound, soundscaping and more, all drawn from Julian’s 20+ years of experience with sound and listening.

Watch Julian Treasure in action!

JT website promo

Watch Julian Treasure in action!

How to Speak So That People Want to Listen | Julian Treasure | TED

Watch Julian Treasure in action!

How to Speak with Power and Charisma | Julian Treasure

See keynotes with Julian Treasure


Julian’s presentation was not only an inspiration business-wise, but it was also a good mixture of information - conveyed in a lively way - and provided great learnings for everyday life. His subject is universal and relevant for everyone.

Anne Guennewig

Corporate Communications Manager, Panasonic Europe

Congratulations on a wonderful presentation that truly resonated with our audience.

Stephen P. Stahr CAE


I found Julian Treasure’s closing keynote exceptional. It was so good that I almost missed my flight. There were so many nuggets that spoke to me.

Arnab Roy Choudhury

IABC World Conference

The buzz in the hall after your presentation and the continued chatter about its content for the rest of the weekend emphasised how powerful it was. It connected with delegates on so many levels and was an auditory and visual extravaganza.

Richard Brown

Secretary-General, World Federation of Chiropractic

Thank you for your amazing closing speech. It (and you) got an incredible response. It was a real pleasure working with you.

Belinda Raynes

Partner, Forgather

Awesome... At the risk of over-using the word, I can’t think of a more appropriate use of it than when applied to you! Your presentation was so insightful, truly brilliant, inspiring and full of heart.

Lynne Grigg

President and Chief Creative Officer, The Designory

Feedback from our delegates has been unanimously positive. Julian’s session on our web-tv is the most sought after from this year’s conference.

Anngun Dybsland

Nordic Media Festival
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Julian Treasure
Julian Treasure

5 out of 5 stars

Julian’s presentation was not only an inspiration business-wise, but it was also a good mixture of information - conveyed in a lively way - and provided great learnings for everyday life. His subject is universal and relevant for everyone.

Anne Guennewig, Corporate Communications Manager, Panasonic Europe See all references

Keynote topics with Julian Treasure