Julie Brown
Julie Brown transforms networking into a superpower, teaching individuals
and organizations how to connect authentically for real business success.
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Just when you think you know how to network, Julie breaks in with Fresh Prince-style swagger and Kristen Chenowith enthusiasm, dropping stats & hacks like a baller, shot caller, brawler. Seeing her speak at the HOW Design Conference and how she woke up a room of pros—after lunch no less—was like witnessing a miracle. She inspired even those in the back row to seek genuine connections, and she gave everyone IRL practical ways to succeed. Do you have “your list?” Do you walk up to bagels or croissants? Do you know your ‘90s hip-hop jams? Do you know the latest studies on behavioral economics? If not, you need to book Julie. No diggety. No doubt.
Megan Thome
Head of Content & Brand, Onspring Technologies