5.00 of 5
Top rated!Julie Winkle Giulioni
5 of 5
Julie is a very inspiring<br>and engaging<br>speaker with fresh<br>ideas and new<br>people management<br>concepts.
Emilia Gulieva
Producer, Russia’ Winning the Hearts Conference
5.00 of 5
Top rated!5 of 5
Julie is a very inspiring<br>and engaging<br>speaker with fresh<br>ideas and new<br>people management<br>concepts.
Emilia Gulieva
Producer, Russia’ Winning the Hearts Conference
5 of 5
Julie is a very inspiring<br>and engaging<br>speaker with fresh<br>ideas and new<br>people management<br>concepts.
Emilia Gulieva Producer, Russia’ Winning the Hearts Conference
Julie Winkle Giulioni
5 of 5
Julie is an interactive and engaging leader who is able to deliver a powerful message<br>that resonates with her audience. Her ability to take a critical topic and deliver it to<br>others leaves them with great knowledge and practical tools they are able to<br>implement into their organization.
Brent Kondritz Director, Center for Leadership University of Dayton
Julie Winkle Giulioni
5 of 5
Julie is amazing at what she does!
Liz Dick SVP, Learning, Development and Culture Resources Global Professionals
Julie Winkle Giulioni
5 of 5
The Chief HR Officer's Group of Phoenix loved having Julie facilitate a deep-dive<br>conversation on career development and left with heads full of ideas! Julie deftly draws wisdom from the audience, engaging everyone present and raising their energy<br>level along the way with inspiring insights and ah-HAH! moments.
Dan Coben Leader, Phoenix CHO Group
Julie Winkle Giulioni
“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So, you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”This Steve Jobs’ quote is frequently used to encourage young people to take bold action, follow their instincts, and trust that the piece
Watch Julie Winkle Giulioni in action