Katie Linendoll is a renowned technology expert, media personality, producer, and keynote speaker with over two decades of experience in the industry. She started coding at the age of 12 and went on to receive a degree in Information Technology New Media from the Rochester Institute of Technology.
Katie has contributed to numerous major media outlets, including The TODAY Show, The Rachael Ray Show, and The Weather Channel, and has covered cutting-edge technology stories from around the world. She has produced her own tech news stories from exotic locations, ranging from a remote community in the Philippines to NASA’s zero-gravity training lab 63-feet underwater off the coast of the Florida Keys.
In addition to her work as a media personality and producer, Linendoll is a highly sought-after keynote speaker and emcee for corporate events. She has worked with top international brands, including IBM, Dell, Intel, and Mercedes-Benz, and has been named a special correspondent at major tech conferences such as CES and Comic-Con.
Katie has received several accolades for her work, including two Emmy nominations and one win, a Guinness World Record for the “
Most High Fives in One Minute
”, and a Silicon Valley Visionary Award. She is also a dedicated philanthropist, devoting a large percentage of her time to select causes in healthcare, tech, and US Veterans.