In this wide-ranging conversation with “age wave” guru Ken Dychtwald, he shares stories and lessons from his first 70 years of life. From his working-class roots in New Jersey to the “tune in, turn on, drop out” cliffs of Big Sur and the pinnacles of the human potential movement, from launching his company Age Wave to rising to global prominence as a fellow of the World Economic Forum, from facing the death of his parents while coming to terms with his own aging process, Ken offers invaluable guidance through the lens of a man constantly seeking self-discovery and self-improvement—providing a glimpse into a visionary’s extraordinary world, and a guide for claiming a powerful vision of one’s own.
Widely regarded as one of the world’s foremost experts and original thinkers about aging and longevity, Dychtwald will share an entirely different and far more personal side of his life, drawing from his new book Radical Curiosity: One Man’s Search for Cosmic Magic and a Purposeful Life. He dives deep to examine the arc and legacies of his own life through touching stories, mind-stretching adventures, and unique encounters with many of the world’s great leaders and influencers to show readers his keys to a meaningful, magical, and purposeful life.
Key themes to be covered include:
The importance of perpetual openness to self-discovery, self-improvement, re-invention, and untapping one’s potentials.
How serendipity and coincidence can play just as big a role in your life as good intentions.
How to juggle the new roles of love, marriage, parenthood, caregiving, and work in today’s high- tech, high-pressure world.
The importance of lifelong curiosity, courage, and resilience if one is hoping to change the world.
Perceiving not only youth—but adulthood, middlescence, late adulthood, elderhood, and ultimately death—as respected and important parts of life’s journey.