“What if everybody on earth felt trusted, respected, valued, and heard? What might change?” Kevin Hancock believes that everything would change and that the place of work is where this humanity advancing transformation can best unfold. “In the 21st century, exceptional business leadership is about giving other people a stronger voice.”
In 2010, at the peak of the national housing and mortgage market collapse Kevin acquired a rare neurological voice disorder (spasmodic dysphonia) that suddenly made speaking difficult. Kevin was forced to pivot to a new leadership model that shared leadership, dispersed power, and gave others a stronger voice. In this inverted leadership model both employee engagement and the company’s performance soared.
In 2012, Kevin began a series of travels to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. There he encountered an entire community that did not feel fully heard.
The combination of these two transformative events led Kevin into a new world of business leadership centered upon helping everyone at the company feel trusted, respected, valued, and heard. Work should be generative and energy giving for those who do it. The more the company focused on the employee experience the better the organization performed.
Kevin can talk about the following topics:
- Employee Engagement.
- Work Culture Creation.
- Leadership / Business Leadership.
- Organizational Development.
- Shared Leadership / Dispersed Power / Respect for all Voices.