Everyone is facing a challenge that, no matter the actual “size,” seems too big to bear. Many people talk about facing fears, rising above the challenge, muscling up and being a “badass.” But how do you start? Where do you start? And what if your circumstance seems just too challenging? Kristin teaches participants that their Perception of their challenge is driving their experiences, good or
bad. It is how we SEE the problem/crisis that directly impacts whether we stay stuck in a setback, or launch a great comeback. As Kristin demonstrates through stories from her own journey, a proper perception enables us to Set Extraordinary Expectations, and ultimately, cause positive outcomes. Kristin guides participants to think outside of what is typically expected, to move from ordinary
expectations to extraordinary, and thrive no matter the challenges that come along. This is the most popular of Kristin’s presentations, likely due to Kristin’s unique way of empowering participants to insert their own challenges into her formula to thrive. In this program, Kristin moves people from hopeless to hope fueled, equipping all to be the hero of their own journey. The comment Kristin hears most often after this SEE presentation is: “You just changed my life.”
Audience Takeaways:
Learn how to maintain a thriving mindset no matter the challenge/crisis
Understand how ordinary expectations keep us stuck and extraordinary expectations move us forward
Understand the role our inherent bias plays in our impact on our lives and others
See the impact of our perceptions have on our expectations and outcomes