Mark Robinson
5.00 of 5
Top rated!5 of 5
Positive feedback, perfectly distributed topics for one day.
Hani Javan Hemmat
Design Engineer at ASML and Artist
5.00 of 5
Top rated!5 of 5
Positive feedback, perfectly distributed topics for one day.
Hani Javan Hemmat
Design Engineer at ASML and Artist
5 of 5
Positive feedback, perfectly distributed topics for one day.
Hani Javan Hemmat Design Engineer at ASML and Artist
Mark Robinson
5 of 5
Inspirational and empowering.
Babah Tarawally Author and TEDx speaker
Mark Robinson
5 of 5
Nice mix of practicing, theory & movies.
Maarten de Leuw Continuous Improvement Manager RCA at ASML
Mark Robinson
5 of 5
Very practical, positive feedback works like a turbocharger!
John Rademaekers Senior PLC software engineer & NAC life coach
Mark Robinson
5 of 5
Mark is an inspiring presenter with a good English sense of humour.
Rezie van Haaren Project Manager / Customer Relations at Philips
Mark Robinson
Mark Robinson's TEDx
Watch speaker Mark Robinson