McKenna Reitz
5.00 of 5
Top rated!5 of 5
McKenna is a beautiful example of the power<br>of making your mess your message. I was<br>thrilled to share her story in Woman's Day.
Meaghan Murphy
Editor-in-chief woman's day, author
5.00 of 5
Top rated!5 of 5
McKenna is a beautiful example of the power<br>of making your mess your message. I was<br>thrilled to share her story in Woman's Day.
Meaghan Murphy
Editor-in-chief woman's day, author
5 of 5
McKenna is a beautiful example of the power<br>of making your mess your message. I was<br>thrilled to share her story in Woman's Day.
Meaghan Murphy Editor-in-chief woman's day, author
McKenna Reitz
5 of 5
McKenna is such a force. She wears her own<br>challenges so visibly and beautifully in a way that<br>encourages other people to put themselves out<br>there, to come forward, to speak up, and to go<br>after what they want no matter what might be<br>holding them back. She encourages you to turn<br>your challenges into your biggest triumphs and to<br>put yourself out there in such a big way, no<br>matter your obstacles because you are worth it.
Amy Porterfield Online Market Expert, Author
McKenna Reitz
5 of 5
McKenna is a bright light both on and off<br>the stage. She is a real-life example of<br>strength, power, and perseverance.
Jen Gottlieb Speaker, Author and Co-Founder Super Connector Media
McKenna Reitz
5 of 5
McKenna is an excellent speaker and I highly recommend her for any organization,<br>school or event that needs an uplifting<br>voice, and a powerful message of<br>compassion, truth, hope and love.
Diana Patton CEO, Author and Speaker
McKenna Reitz
5 of 5
McKenna presented at our 2023 Women in Leadership Retreat.<br>What a great way to help individuals reframe their own personal<br>narrative and focus on moving forward, not looking in the rear view mirror. She is engaging and inspiring!
Ann Servais Cigna Healthcare
McKenna Reitz
5 of 5
McKenna Reitz is the ultimate professional while conducting her inspirational and helpful session for OEA-Retired and<br>Actives. During the virtual session, McKenna strived to engage the participants by encouraging these educators to “find<br>their It/passion” by empowering themselves and others. McKenna's demeanor and enthusiasm are very contagious.
Phil A. Long OEA-R Vice Chair
McKenna Reitz
Watch McKenna Reitz in action