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Empathy Mastery: Transforming Workplace Culture

Michael Towers

travels from USA

Elevate your organization's empathy quotient with Michael Towers, renowned expert in transforming company culture.

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5 out of 5 stars

Michael presented to our local SHRM Chapter meeting and didn't disappoint. He is knowledgeable, approachable, and engaging. We thoroughly enjoyed learning about mental health and its impact in the workplace. If you are looking for someone to present on leadership, and mental health it will be a challenge to find someone as qualified and deserving as Michael.

STEVIE JORDAN - SHRM-SCP See all references

Why you should book Michael Towers for your next event

  • Empower leaders with empathy tools: Michael equips leaders with practical tools to cultivate empathy, fostering stronger connections and more effective leadership.
  • Transform company culture positively: With Michael’s guidance, organizations can transform their culture by prioritizing empathy, leading to greater collaboration, productivity, and employee satisfaction.
  • Renowned expert in workplace empathy: Drawing from his extensive expertise, including groundbreaking research in workplace empathy, Michael delivers insights that are both authoritative and actionable, making him a compelling choice for your event.
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Unlock your organization's full potential with Michael Towers, a dynamic keynote speaker. Transform workplace culture, boost engagement, and empower leaders with his expert insights. Book Michael Towers now for actionable strategies and lasting impact.

Why you should book Michael Towers for your next event

  • Empower leaders with empathy tools: Michael equips leaders with practical tools to cultivate empathy, fostering stronger connections and more effective leadership.
  • Transform company culture positively: With Michael’s guidance, organizations can transform their culture by prioritizing empathy, leading to greater collaboration, productivity, and employee satisfaction.
  • Renowned expert in workplace empathy: Drawing from his extensive expertise, including groundbreaking research in workplace empathy, Michael delivers insights that are both authoritative and actionable, making him a compelling choice for your event.

Meet Michael Towers, a distinguished Keynote Speaker, renowned for his expertise in fostering empathy and transforming workplace culture. With a background in counseling and psychology, Michael has dedicated his career to empowering organizations to thrive through enhanced employee well-being and engagement. As a sought-after speaker, Michael brings a wealth of experience and insights to his presentations, helping leaders and teams navigate the complexities of modern workplaces with empathy at the forefront.

Booking Michael Towers for your next event means equipping your audience with practical tools and strategies to cultivate empathy, drive positive change, and foster a culture of understanding and inclusivity. With his engaging speaking style and compelling storytelling, Michael captivates audiences, leaving them inspired and equipped to implement tangible solutions in their own organizations.

Michael’s impact extends far beyond the stage. He has been recognized for his contributions to the field, having presented to numerous State Councils and Chapters of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). His work has led to tangible transformations in company cultures, resulting in improved employee mental health, heightened engagement, and enhanced retention rates.

Whether you’re seeking to revitalize your organization’s culture, boost employee morale, or equip your leaders with the tools for empathetic leadership, booking Michael Towers is the key to unlocking lasting positive change. Don’t miss the opportunity to book Michael Towers and elevate your organization to new heights of success.

See keynotes with Michael Towers
Keynote by speaker Michael Towers

An Exceptional Leader C.A.R.E.S.

An unhealthy workplace causes poor performance, more missed work, and a failure to attract and retain top talent. The C.A.R.E.S. approach teaches strategies to transform the workplace into a healthy, supportive environment where your people will thrive!

The 5 strategies of the C.A.R.E.S. plan are:

  • Culture – encourage transparency, reward valuable contributions, and cultivate strong coworker relationships.
  • Allocation – free mental health screenings, referrals to professionals, and low out of pocket costs for medications make access to care easier.
  • Realign – make the health and well-being of your people your #1 priority.
  • Empathy – successful leaders are “people-focused” and make their employees feel like they are valued and understood.
  • Serve – a leader who aims to serve is humble, creates a low-risk environment for ideas, and asks how they can help.

Learning objectives:

  • Recognize the impact of workplace stress on mental health.
  • Implement changes to improve employee wellness.
  • Step into the healing power you posses and make an impact.
Keynote by speaker Michael Towers

Limitless Leadership: Silencing The L.I.E.s & The B.S.

Most people have suffered childhood wounds that we have hid, suppressed, or denied. Some of them are subconscious. All of them block us from becoming who we are meant to be. This presentation will help us come face to face with the LIEs we tell ourselves. The limited ideas entertained. The stories we tell ourselves about who we are that hold us back from who we are meant to be.

This presentation will empower participants to identify and analyze how their limiting beliefs and negative self-image affect their leadership potential, understand the relationship between their emotions, thoughts, values, and behaviors, and teach self-care techniques to reduce stress, burnout and prepare them to be the leader their organization needs them to be.

This presentation isn’t for everyone. You will have to take a risk and come face to face with your inner critic. The voice inside your head that doubts you, judges you, belittles you, and tells you that you aren’t good enough. But the LIEs aren’t true. We are going to replace the LIEs with what is true about you. You are worthy, and You are more than enough.

Learning objectives:

  • Participants will name their limiting beliefs and identify their roots.
  • Participants will learn affirmations to become their true selves.
  • Step into the healing power you posses and make an impact.
  • Participants will be educated on self-care strategies to be renewed physically and mentally.
Keynote by speaker Michael Towers

Identify, Inquire, Intervene

1 in 5 Americans are affected by mental illness. Knowing the warning signs of common conditions and taking action early leads to the best outcome. Sadly, only half of people experiencing mental health conditions get help. Mental health stigma is a huge barrier. It takes an entire community to battle the stigmas of mental illness

Untreated mental health conditions take a heavy toll, often leaving people feeling lost, alone and disconnected in the workplace. Awareness starts with educating your organization on mental health first aid, to learn the techniques to support coworkers in need. By encouraging ourselves and others who are suffering from mental illness to speak up, we can create a culture of recovery.

Learning objectives:

  • Learn to observe and identify the warning signs and changes in your coworker’s behavior or performance.
  • Learn how to inquire and assess your coworker’s issues and whether any additional steps need to be taken.
  • Learn how to intervene and refer your coworker to the help that they need.
Keynote by speaker Michael Towers

Extreme Mental Health Makeover: A Guide to Mental Wellness in the Workplace

We are seeing that mental health is a predictor of overall wellbeing. Stress and poor mental health can contribute to several debilitating physical issues from diabetes to hypertension. Employees who are highly stressed and mentally ill will burn-out. Personally, and professionally they will suffer. The company’s bottom line will suffer too. When infected by a toxic company culture, poor leadership, and little support the organization is contagious and will make their people sick!

A company cannot cure a problem if they do not know the cause. To diagnose a workplace mental health issue a good leader will get to the source. When the performance of a company is congested, and the mental health and well being of its employees flatline, then the organization needs C.P.R.

Learning objectives:

  • Connection – Employers should consider peer groups to connect employees. By emphasizing their importance, it reduces the stigma and encourages employees to open up about their issues. Employees who feel connected, care!
  • Protection – A good leader should model self-care, vulnerability, and empathy, Mental health should be talked about openly. An authentic leader is encouraging and values listening as a skill. Employees who feel protected, perform!
  • Redirection – Realigning your policies and practices are necessary when they’re causing mental health issues. Setting expectations keeps people from being stressed and burned-out. It’s a message of support for employees. Be flexible with deadlines, schedules, and time off. Employees who feel directed, deliver!
Keynote by speaker Michael Towers

Leadership Reimagined: Great Leadership is an Inside Job

Stress and employee burnout are at crisis level. 39 million people quit their jobs in 2021. 80% of people would quit their job for one that prioritizes their mental health. The collateral damage of this magnitude of disruption to the job market is the effect it’s had on HR Professionals.

This presentation will teach participants how to confront the limiting beliefs, and faulty messaging that is blocking them from effective leadership. We need to blow up the current paradigm of leadership and recognize that the HR industry holds the key to establishing a new norm. Inspiring a team to achieve a certain goal is the focus of leadership.

BUT leadership is also how you, as an individual, choose to lead your life. Self-limiting beliefs, faulty messaging, unhealthy lifestyle choices, and burnout are holding you back. To step into effective leadership, it begins with you. Your self-care is paramount.

In this session you will learn strategies to eradicate the fear, doubt, and shame that’s holding you back, and the action steps you can take to be your best self.

  • You will be able to identify and analyze your limiting beliefs and negative self-image, and how they affect your leadership potential.
  • You will understand the relationship between your emotions, thoughts, values, and behaviors.
  • You will learn to have a growth mindset and develop more self-efficacy.
  • You will be taught self- care techniques to reduce workplace stress and burnout, and become the leader you are destined to be.
Watch Michael Towers in action

Speaker Highlight Reel

See keynotes with Michael Towers


Have you ever met someone and immediately knew that they were a really incredible person? Well, that is what happened when I met Michael Towers! He is a difference maker who adds value, and has achieved tremendous results! He is a fantastic public speaker, counselor, and fitness guru. Michael is a miracle worker and someone you need to know!



Michael is one of the most impactful speakers I have asked to present. Not only does he have an amazing story, he has the rare ability to tell it in a way that captivates, teaches, and inspires. I would highly recommend Mike for any and all speaking engagements!



I had the pleasure of hearing Mike share his story earlier this year. His passion and speaking style was engaging and entertaining, His vulnerability was endearing, and he knew exactly what parts of his story to share for maximum impact.All of the guests left feeling inspired. I would highly recommend having him speak at your next event!


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Michael Towers
Michael Towers

5 out of 5 stars

Michael presented to our local SHRM Chapter meeting and didn't disappoint. He is knowledgeable, approachable, and engaging. We thoroughly enjoyed learning about mental health and its impact in the workplace. If you are looking for someone to present on leadership, and mental health it will be a challenge to find someone as qualified and deserving as Michael.

STEVIE JORDAN - SHRM-SCP See all references

Keynote topics with Michael Towers