Leaders are the creators of the work atmosphere, positive or negative. A negative atmosphere creates staff experiences that include stress, anger, and isolation, resulting in low productivity, gossip, and interpersonal chaos. The positive atmosphere of support, partnership, and team spirit results in high productivity, strong morale, and an effective team environment. It is a leader’s choice. Which do you want? One that has you feeling alone, frustrated, tense, and angry, while the other instills calmness, confidence, and a sense of accomplishment. The first step to developing a motivated and empowered team is being willing to change and learn a new skill.
Participants will be able to:
List Six areas that every leader must analyze, observe, and change to create a more effective, empowered, and motivated staff.
Identify the needs of your staff and how you can support them.
Be the leader that receives respect, loyalty, confidence, and appreciation
Effectively acknowledge your staff with meaningful, free, or low-cost techniques