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Game-Changing Leadership & Diversity Solutions

Pegine Echevarria

travels from USA

Pegine Echevarria’s electrifying keynotes blend personal triumphs with actionable insights, offering your organization unparalleled growth and diversity strategies.

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5 out of 5 stars

The flair and panache with which you present make the wisdom in your message not just applicable, but actionable. Our audience connected with your words. I received constant raves about you during the live Congress Xstream. Our participant comments further demonstrated the value of your leadership program, as the cache of expertise you brought to the event produced an abundant return on investment.

Dan Maddux, Executive Director, American Payroll Association See all references

Why you should book Pegine Echevarria for your next event

  • Leverage Pegine Echevarria’s global acclaim and transformative leadership insights to inspire your team and drive substantial organizational progress and innovation.
  • Inspire meaningful organizational change with Pegine’s motivational energy and expert guidance, tailored to address your team’s unique challenges and opportunities.
  • Benefit from Pegine’s award-winning expertise in diversity and leadership development, delivering strategies that produce enduring impact, enhanced team dynamics, and measurable growth.
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Elevate your event with Pegine Echevarria, a distinguished leader in driving leadership and inclusion. From overcoming a challenging youth to becoming a globally recognized authority, Pegine delivers dynamic keynotes that inspire and empower. Her sessions provide actionable strategies to foster real change and growth within your organization. Book Pegine to infuse your event with her unmatched expertise and transformative energy, ensuring a lasting impact on your team.

Why you should book Pegine Echevarria for your next event

  • Leverage Pegine Echevarria’s global acclaim and transformative leadership insights to inspire your team and drive substantial organizational progress and innovation.
  • Inspire meaningful organizational change with Pegine’s motivational energy and expert guidance, tailored to address your team’s unique challenges and opportunities.
  • Benefit from Pegine’s award-winning expertise in diversity and leadership development, delivering strategies that produce enduring impact, enhanced team dynamics, and measurable growth.

Keynote Speaker Pegine Echevarria is a distinguished authority in leadership development, diversity, and inclusion. As a highly sought-after motivational speaker, Pegine Echevarria brings a wealth of knowledge and a dynamic presence to every engagement, transforming organizational cultures and driving sustainable growth.

Pegine’s expertise is grounded in her remarkable journey from overcoming early life challenges to becoming a globally recognized figure in leadership. Her presentations are renowned for delivering actionable insights and strategies that address critical business needs. With acclaimed books and numerous awards to her name, including recognition from industry leaders and prestigious organizations, Pegine has a proven track record of inspiring and empowering teams.

When you book Pegine Echevarria for your event, you gain access to a transformative experience that goes beyond typical keynote speeches. Pegine’s sessions are meticulously crafted to tackle pressing issues such as enhancing leadership capabilities, fostering an inclusive environment, and driving team performance. Her engaging and motivational style ensures that your audience leaves with practical tools and a renewed sense of purpose.

Pegine Echevarria’s booking promises not only to elevate your event but also to provide your organization with invaluable insights and strategies for long-term success. Invest in a keynote that will truly make a difference and transform your team’s approach to leadership and inclusion.

See keynotes with Pegine Echevarria
Keynote by Pegine Echevarria

Great Engaged Leaders Manifest Success

Great Engaged Leaders are leaders who utilize their individual strengths, develop as top leaders, and become organizational representatives that attract others to your organization. They become people who support team members to be the best they can be.

Participants benefit through the experience and grow by:

  • Increasing their expertise,
  • Expanding their reach and gaining opportunities
  • Building a positive reputation
  • Enhancing their value to all

If you aren’t mining GEMS, you aren’t growing your team. Leaders are rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and diamonds, and they are diverse and unique. The individuals we choose to be, the leaders we want to be, and the settings we create can increase team members’ brilliance and uniqueness and enhance your assets. Participants of the GEM program have three roles in common.

The three roles are:

  • Individual,
  • Leader, and
  • Organizational representative.

How they behave within those roles can help or hinder the development of the people around them, their team, and ultimately themselves. G.E.M.S .– ROCK! Explores how these three aspects manifest success.

Participants will be able to:

  • Repeat the three different aspects of GEMS Leaders
  • Describe the qualities of each of the three aspects
  • Propose ideas to educate their Leaders about the three aspects of GEMS
  • Discuss how they embody the three aspects.
Keynote by Pegine Echevarria

Influencing, Impacting, and Inspiring Your Employees for Positive Results

Leaders are the creators of the work atmosphere, positive or negative. A negative atmosphere creates staff experiences that include stress, anger, and isolation, resulting in low productivity, gossip, and interpersonal chaos. The positive atmosphere of support, partnership, and team spirit results in high productivity, strong morale, and an effective team environment. It is a leader’s choice. Which do you want? One that has you feeling alone, frustrated, tense, and angry, while the other instills calmness, confidence, and a sense of accomplishment. The first step to developing a motivated and empowered team is being willing to change and learn a new skill.

Participants will be able to:

  • List Six areas that every leader must analyze, observe, and change to create a more effective, empowered, and motivated staff.
  • Identify the needs of your staff and how you can support them. 
  • Be the leader that receives respect, loyalty, confidence, and appreciation
  • Effectively acknowledge your staff with meaningful, free, or low-cost techniques
Keynote by Pegine Echevarria

Called to Lead: Are You Answering the Call?

Either you raised your hand and said, “I’ll do it,” or you left the room, and the committee said, “She will do it” However it happened, you just had a “Called to Lead” experience. Your persona and ability led others to trust you (and you to trust yourself) to lead a project, a party, a team, or an event. What if you are the reluctant leader, the resistance leader, or the exhausted leader? It happens. Get energized during this interactive, energetic, lesson-rich program. Learn how to answer the call and take care of yourself. 

Participants will be able to:

  • Recognize limiting beliefs and actions that stop them from being in command
  • Gain self-knowledge that will result in confidence and clarity of their leadership strengths
  • Practice while laughing, affirmations, and mantras quickly shift their attitudes, preparing them for success. 
Keynote by Pegine Echevarria

Confidence Karma

What you input is what generates your output. Learn the power of Confidence Karma in your career. This deep dive session examines four key pillars of the Confidence Karma process. (1) Competence, (2) Dominance, (3) Prominence, and (4) Presence. Learn how each of the four pillars contains skill sets and action-oriented processes to ensure your confidence is positive, empowering, and attractive. Hence, you are magnetic, and your outcomes are what you want. 

Participants will be able to:

  • Analyze the four pillars while deciding how they will apply them in their career
  • Critique their skills in each of the four areas and increase their mastery in each.
  • Generate a Confidence Karma action plan to strengthen their magnetic ability to attract what they want
Keynote by Pegine Echevarria

Communicate Your V.A.L.U.E.

Getting people to know your value begins with you. You have to see what you have to offer, and then you have to communicate that to other people. Pegine shows how some people think they promote their value through storytelling, audience participation, and comedy. She then shares the techniques and tips to communicate one’s values honestly so people listen.

Participants will be able to: 

  • Identify the thought processes and behaviors that prevent a person from seeing them and promoting their value
  • Assess the two most significant barriers to identifying and sharing your value
  • The five phases of communicating their value
  • Promote themselves using the five phases.
Keynote by Pegine Echevarria

Refortify, Revisit and Regroup in Business and Life

Know what you stand for! Refortify, revisit, and regroup, so your values! Reflect on the leader you’ve become and who you want to be. Courageous values are simple, straightforward, and easy to understand but hard to achieve. Get ready for some team experiences and engaging dynamics to embrace brave values in business and life.

Participants will be able to:

  • Discuss values and how they influence their leadership.
  • Assess values in leadership and how they can formulate values for their leadership future.
  • Classify which values are essential for a successful business and life
Keynote by Pegine Echevarria

Making Friends in Your Leadership Network

Leadership can be lonely. You need friends, a community, and a mastermind to support you, grow, and push you. Learn how to create a leadership group determined to help you become the best leader you can be.

Participants will be able to:

  • Discuss values and how they influence their leadership.
  • Assess values in leadership and how they can formulate values for their leadership future.
  • Classify which values are essential for a successful business and life
Keynote by Pegine Echevarria

Building Strong Boundaries for Leadership and Employee Success

Pegine takes you on a leadership roller coaster ride filled with professional and personal development twists and turns. During this interactive session, participants will understand the power of setting boundaries as leaders and employees, assess their limitations and define what is working and what needs improvement, apply borders to and evaluate new responses, and laugh while learning memorable leadership skills “Pegine style.”

Participants will be able to:

  • Discuss values and how they influence their leadership.
  • Assess values in leadership and how they can formulate values for their leadership future.
  • Classify which values are essential for a successful business and life
Keynote by Pegine Echevarria

Play B.I.G.! Becoming a Powerful Force in Your World!

Leaders have a choice You have a choice! Either you choose to Play B.I.G., or you decide to play small. Choosing to Play B.I.G. reaps rewards that include energy, prosperity, inspiration, creativity, friends, and recruits. Playing small brings chaos into our lives and recruiting efforts. We experience fear, debt, limits, and strangled relationships when we play small. This program focuses on five of the most frustrating behaviors that stop people from reaching their highest potential and the seven behaviors that make a world of difference. We see the small behaviors in staff and we see the BIG behaviors in those we admire. Let’s Play BIG

Participants will be able to:

  • Learn the five limiting beliefs
  • Embrace the six steps to thrive as a bold and powerful person
  • Connect with their peers and laugh as they grow together
  • Identify four ways to apply the steps to their life.
Keynote by Pegine Echevarria

Build a Beautiful Organizational Mosaic

…by Recruiting and Empowering Colorful, Diverse, Delightful, Brilliant People to your Organization 

Success-focused organizations have the vision to reap the rewards of building a diverse organization filled with interesting, colorful, delightful, brilliant people. They want people with ideas, innovation, and processes for results. So, where do you find these fantastic people? Pegine shares techniques, opportunities to explore, and innovative ideas that you can use to attract these diverse, fascinating, interesting, hardworking individuals.

Participants will be able to:

  • Identify recruitment strategies to find great employees
  • Learn ways to engage diverse candidates
  • Build a community of employees who feel valued and heard
Keynote by Pegine Echevarria

Be Powerful, Be You - Carry the Torch Leading Yourself to Inspire Others

In a world where leadership is in high demand but burnout and turnover rates are on the rise, it’s crucial for leaders to guide their teams and lead themselves effectively. The “Be Powerful, Be You—Carry the Torch” keynote is a transformative session designed for leaders who want to ignite their inner flame, understand their mission, and influence, impact, and inspire others like never before. By embracing the TORCH principle, leaders will find the strength to carry their inner torch, lighting the way for themselves and those they lead. This transformative session will equip leaders with the tools they need to navigate leadership challenges with resilience, authenticity, and purpose.

Three powerful torch images guide the TORCH principle:

  • The Statue of Liberty: Symbolizing freedom and embodying hope and opportunity, the freedom to think, act, and be without harming others—hope and opportunities for all.
  • The Olympics TORCH: The Torch represents COMPETITION with self and FELLOWSHIP with others while symbolizing the light of spirit, knowledge, and goals.
  • The Firefighters TORCH: The TORCH signifies Courage and Humanity: the courage to go where most won’t, the power of love for humanity, and the willingness to serve and save others.

Participants will be able to:

  • Trust themselves and their mission.
  • Open themselves to reflection and self-discovery.
  • Recognize their power to choose and remain hopeful.
  • Cultivate self-knowledge, self-care, and self-love.
  • Celebrate their uniqueness and that of others.
Keynote by Pegine Echevarria

How to Give Feedback, Coach for Success, and Help Your People Grow

Who said management was easy? Not managers or leaders for sure. When you deal with people you deal with diverse personalities and emotions.  Your role, should you choose to accept it – is the be their guide, coach,  inspirer, and influencer. But how? How do you give feedback so they hear what you are saying and apply the lessons being shared? How do you coach them to success? A coach has several responsibilities and as a manager, you create a positive work environment for others to thrive. How do you inspire them to think positively and be ready for the next levels when you are struggling with the same things for yourself? Learn and be inspired by Pegine.

Participants will be able to:

  • Learn the easy tool to give feedback and have the listener be able to hear and apply the lessons
  • Learn 5 coaching techniques in a deep dive practice session. 
  • Laugh at the foibles and failures of management, and learn from the mistakes.
  • Learn 4 tools to inspire your team to next-level thinking and actions 
Watch Pegine Echevarria in action!

Pegine Speaker Reel 2024

Watch Pegine Echevarria in action!

Daytona State College Entrepreneur Interview - Pegine Echevarria

See keynotes with Pegine Echevarria


The flair and panache with which you present make the wisdom in your message not just applicable, but actionable. Our audience connected with your words. I received constant raves about you during the live Congress Xstream. Our participant comments further demonstrated the value of your leadership program, as the cache of expertise you brought to the event produced an abundant return on investment.

Dan Maddux

Executive Director, American Payroll Association

Attendees have expressed how much more self-motivated they are and that Pegine has truly made a difference. The results for Colgate is a more productive workforce…

Alexandra Contreras

Global Workplace Initiatives Analyst, Colgate-Palmolive

Even weeks after, our attendees are still commenting on your energy and the relevancy of your presentation to our environment. You really caught the majority of our attendees off guard with your ability to speak to events and use terms that are unique to our company and our management positions. The customization of your presentation, as well as the humor you used to deliver your message, kept the entire group involved and charged throughout.

Tonya M. Knox

Fortune 500 Insurance Company

We hired Pegine to speak to five different regions for our Diversity and Inclusion Tour. She was amazing, our associates were enthralled. Pegine surpassed our expectations.

Irene Dorner


Six months after Pegine’s V.A.L.U.E program was conducted Intel surveyed their employees 88% of said that they continually use the techniques learned and that the program was an asset to their careers.

Terri Mitchell


Pegine is a force to be reckoned with . She took our senior command on journey on recruiting, retaining and engaging women in the US Army. She is entertaining, informative, on target and gave us action steps to support our most valuable men and women who serve.

General Thompson

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Pegine Echevarria
Pegine Echevarria

5 out of 5 stars

The flair and panache with which you present make the wisdom in your message not just applicable, but actionable. Our audience connected with your words. I received constant raves about you during the live Congress Xstream. Our participant comments further demonstrated the value of your leadership program, as the cache of expertise you brought to the event produced an abundant return on investment.

Dan Maddux, Executive Director, American Payroll Association See all references

Keynote topics with Pegine Echevarria