Why you should book Richard Bowell for your next event
- Richard engages his audience in a real experience of transformative change based on a template that co-opts all previous notions of change into a coherent whole.
- It actually inspires people to SEE their own reality within the context of global change and liberates them to embrace conscious transformation in whatever significant challenge they face.
- Co-creating a globally successful Netflix documentary viewed about his work viewed by over 65 million people, Richard’s own journey of transformation highlights his own humanitarian and ecological initiatives and is real and accessible for all.
Richard Bowell is a globally recognized philosopher, visionary, and best-selling author at the UN whose original work shows that the true meaning of transformative change is the alignment of ourselves to the natural patterns of evolutionary growth. His groundbreaking “Template for Change” has been endorsed by global thought leaders, New York times best selling Authors and Scientists and empowers individuals and teams to bridge the inner and outer world divides and foster a level of conscious global citizenship in ways that enable us to address the significant challenges we all face in a time of crisis.
Non-binding request for Richard Bowell
Keynote by Richard Bowell: The Essential Shift
Change is an integral part of the human event of living. We age, we have new experiences that we try to assimilate into meaningful patterns, life experience that challenge us to discover new parts of ourselves but we are living in a time when change is an imperative, knowing now that we cannot continue as we do as humans – it is no longer sustainable.
It is a unique moment in time where we humans, together, are being challenged to look at our evolutionary history that has brought us to this point and reconsider whether all that has gone before can illuminate a different future.
Consumption and resources, daily life considerations of health and success, complex societal issues, across the whole spectrum of living a new upgrade needs to take place. Only an ‘Essential Shift’ to be able to first of all SEE the vision of something different inside the challenge of living can bring a new world.
The Essential Shift shows that SEEING has been the central engine for growth throughout evolution from our early awareness of the world around us to our increasing ability to perceive the reasons and processes behind life’s complexities to the point now where we are beginning to become CONSCIOUS (the highest level of integral SEEING) of our part in an interconnected whole.
Richard’s best selling United Nations book ‘An Urgent Plea from the Future’ demonstrates the way all the global challenges we face are a reflection of our inner human world trying to evolve,
Keynote by Richard Bowell: Conscious World Citizens
We are individuals and we are together together across the world. This can be the source of conflict and difference or a shared experience of an evolutionary next step that we are struggling to master.
From our evolutionary past we are conditioned to look at life from a need to project ourselves into it and make the world fit our inner experience thinking we can ‘fix’ what is wrong to ‘make’ life better, more sustainable even more equitable. Even the language of our collective ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ are framed in terms of ‘overcoming’ everything from hunger and poverty to ‘fixing’ climate change – carrying the implied meaning that our part in living is to enforce and coerce life ‘out there’ to conform to the expectations we carry within us ‘in here’.
This introduction to the adult step into consciousness is vital for every person living on the planet and shows in a gentle and compelling way (non-coercive) that ‘Hey, you might be looking at what is wrong and missing what is trying to unfold right here’. While we seek the future the future seeks to unfold in us and it is this way of interconnection that allows the consciousness of ourselves as part of the whole to emerge.
When we individually and collectively come to SEE the same future unfolding no one needs to be coerced into deeply responding. Whether it is in a family, in an organization or on the planet living as individuals together, this presentation introduces the way we have all become global citizens facing global challenges that can only be addressed from a new level of maturity, the consciousness of our part in the fabric of life.
Service and conscious contribution characterize the way we evolve in harmony with life.
This presentation opens up minds to a new evolutionary phase of integral and conscious living as a between oneself and the planet and has direct insight into the global challenges we face and the rapid transformation that is taking place in addressing those challenges as whole people – time is running out.

Richard Bowell
Word renowned Author and Philosopher Ken Wilber states that ‘Richard’s work will be the way we will all address challenges in the future’. We cannot hope to change the world from the same level of thinking that has brought us to to the brink of civilization collapse – that much we know. Meaningful change begins by aligning personal growth with the evolutionary process of growing up. As Richard writes,‘we cannot solve the adult challenges we face from the adolescent levels of thinking that created them’.
The Essential Shift process joins us to a new level of consciousness of ourselves from which we can SEE that all the significant challenges we face challenge us to grow up in ourselves. The world is failing because we are failing to SEE our next steps.
Through decades of unfolding new levels of leadership, coaching and addressing global challenges based in a template of growing up, Richard has shown that we all carry the resources that can enrich and envision a new world. His work is sponsored by the Global Center for Human Change, a New York based 501 (C) (3) not for profit
Book Richard Bowell for your event to inspire transformative change that addresses the pressing challenges of today’s world from a conscious perspective. Richard’s keynotes are tailored to equip individuals and organizations with real ways to navigate and embrace uncertainty, foster innovation, and achieve meaningful, long-term change – it has global significance.
With a unique blend of insights from his work at the United Nations, his role as a best-selling author of seven influential books, a successful Netflix documentary and a 12 year sojourn on a remote Greek island, Richard brings unparalleled experience and credibility to the stage. His sessions are ideal for organizations and individuals seeking to cultivate conscious leadership, achieve sustainable goals, and create lasting global impact.
Book Richard Bowell for an event that inspires transformation and redefines success.
Richard Bowell speaks about these topics
Become Conscious
Watch Richard Bowell in action!