Using the drive and accountability system, Richie went on to break records in sales performance at a fortune 500 company, built a 7-figure nation-wide performance coaching program, and today helps companies scale to completely new levels through the Next Play™ Accountability System.
Richie shares each success story from the lens of the audience resulting in a renewed inspiration you can feel in the room. He speaks frequently to large audiences and partners with businesses of all sizes including major corporations worldwide like IBM to build teams who are clear on their goals, focused on their next play, and accountable each week, resulting in their rapid growth and record engagement.
The constant focus on past failures or future success guarantees only one thing — stagnancy. When you shift the focus instead to the
next play
— regardless of success or failure — your employees, your leadership team, and your business will operate in a state of constant action and improvement.
By removing the emotion from success or failure and focusing on the strengths of the individuals and the team at the same time, the Next Play™ system not only guides your teams’ performance but ensures managers do the same.
Today, Richie shares his story of founding Next Play™ which was the system he used at 5’7” and 150 pounds to earn a full D-1 football scholarship at Ole Miss. He then used that same accountability system to grow a performance coaching business by 2,600% and today has been working with organizations around the US to do the same.
Most leaders provide the training, tools and even coaching, but don’t provide the positive accountability needed to help people actually realize their potential and achieve their goals.You will develop a shared language and vision with your team to set clear goals and execute the weekly accountability system that keeps everyone focused on their
Next Play™.
As a result, you will experience record growth, retention, and consistent peak performance at every level of your organization