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Future of Renewable Energy

Steve Goreham

travels from USA

Steve Goreham, Executive Director of the Climate Science Coalition of America, offers compelling insights into climate change and energy policies.

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5 out of 5 stars

Steve Goreham delivers a thoughtful and well-researched presentation on matters related to energy and public policy.

Doug Kurkul, CEO, American Foundry Society See all references

Why you should book Steve Goreham for your next event

  • Author of four influential books on energy and the environment, including the bestseller “Green Breakdown: The Coming Renewable Energy Failure,” with over 100,000 copies sold.
  • Published over 100 articles in leading energy and environmental outlets, offering well-researched and authoritative perspectives on a wide range of topics.
  • Decade-long experience speaking at top industry forums, inspiring leaders and professionals across various sectors including agriculture, manufacturing, and energy.
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Book Steve Goreham, a renowned energy and environmental expert, to enlighten your audience with cutting-edge insights on sustainable development, economic trends, and climate change. With over a decade of speaking experience, Steve has addressed top industry forums and authored four influential books. His expertise offers actionable strategies to drive impactful change within your organization. Transform your event with the insights and knowledge of an acclaimed author and industry leader.

Why you should book Steve Goreham for your next event

  • Author of four influential books on energy and the environment, including the bestseller “Green Breakdown: The Coming Renewable Energy Failure,” with over 100,000 copies sold.
  • Published over 100 articles in leading energy and environmental outlets, offering well-researched and authoritative perspectives on a wide range of topics.
  • Decade-long experience speaking at top industry forums, inspiring leaders and professionals across various sectors including agriculture, manufacturing, and energy.

Keynote Speaker Steve Goreham is renowned for his expertise in energy and environmental issues, making him an invaluable asset for organizations seeking to navigate these critical areas. As a Steve Goreham motivational speaker, he addresses pressing topics such as climate change, sustainable development, and corporate environmental policy, providing audiences with actionable insights and innovative solutions.

Book Steve Goreham for your event to benefit from his decade-long experience speaking to business, industry, and educational organizations. Steve’s presentations are tailored to meet the unique needs of various sectors, including agriculture, manufacturing, energy, and transportation, ensuring relevance and impact. His ability to demystify complex subjects and present them in an engaging manner makes him a sought-after speaker.

Steve Goreham booking ensures access to an authoritative voice in the field. As the author of four influential books and the Executive Director of the Climate Science Coalition of America, Steve brings a wealth of knowledge and a proven track record. His work has been featured in prominent media outlets, and his engaging style captivates audiences, driving meaningful change.

Transform your event with Keynote Speaker Steve Goreham’s compelling insights and strategic guidance. Book Steve Goreham today to empower your organization with the tools needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

See keynotes with Steve Goreham
Keynote by Steve Goreham

Miracles in Energy

Human energy consumption is up 26 times since 1800.  We live in a golden age of low-cost energy. Yet energy is one of the least understood aspects of our modern society.  Is energy use polluting our planet?  Is energy use causing dangerous global warming?  Are we running out of hydrocarbon fuels?  Learn why our current golden age of energy will continue.

Keynote by Steve Goreham

Agriculture - Miracles and Misconceptions

Modern agriculture has been remarkably successful. From 1961 to 2013, world population more than doubled from 3.1 billion to 7.2 billion. But global agricultural production more than tripled. Not only the quality of food, but the quality and variety of food is much better than in past ages. Indeed, Americans eat better than the kings of old.

However, environmental groups decry intensive farming, and the farmer’s use of water, land, fertilizer, and pesticides, branding modern agriculture as unsustainable. But instead, trends show that modern agriculture is producing more output, of higher quality, and with greater variety of products than ever before. And farmers are doing this using less land, less water, less pesticide, and less fertilizer.

Keynote by Steve Goreham

Upheaval - Coming Changes in Energy and Climate Regulation

Our world today is powered by hydrocarbons. But are hydrocarbons on the way out? And can humans control the climate? The coming changes in energy and climate regulations and implications for your company.

Keynote by Steve Goreham

Transportation - Powered by Modern Energy

Automobiles, trucks, trains, ships, and aircraft are powered by modern fuels. Global exports are up 1,800 times in the last 115 years.  Each day, more than 100 million tons of freight are transported throughout the world. A celebration of modern transportation, with challenging observations on modern fuels and sustainability.

Keynote by Steve Goreham

Why Resources Aren’t Natural and Will Never Run Out

Our modern society is blessed with an abundance of raw material and energy resources. While some warn that natural resources are finite and being exhausted, the opposite is true. Today we have the greatest access to resources in history. Raw materials are natural, but resources, such as refined metal or fuel, are created by people. The level of human technology overwhelmingly determines the availability of resources, not the amount of raw material in the ground. With no end to the rising level of human technology, global material and energy resources will, for all practical purposes, never run out.

Keynote by Steve Goreham

Weather Trends and Climate Change

Are hurricanes getting stronger? Will there be more drought and flood events? Are weather patterns really changing? Is mankind causing dangerous climate change? Evidence and historical trends about weather events and climate, customized for your region and business.

Watch Steve Goreham in action!

Are Meatless Diets the Road to the Future?

See keynotes with Steve Goreham


Steve Goreham delivers a thoughtful and well-researched presentation on matters related to energy and public policy.

Doug Kurkul

CEO, American Foundry Society

It was one of the best presentations that I have seen in a long, long time.

David Miller

President, American Association of Professional Landmen

Regarding Mr. Goreham—he was very well received and I continue to hear from our conference attendees about the positive nature of his remarks. As an environmental scientist, I was encouraged to hear him use hard data to support his remarks.

Vince Griffin

VP, Environmental and Energy Policy, Indiana Chamber of Commerce

For anyone interested in hearing a thoughtful, informed presentation regarding issues affecting climate and energy policy, I would, without hesitation, highly recommend Steve. His ability to deliver factual, scientific information in a humorous and engaging manner far exceeded our expectations. It is our hope that we will have the opportunity to hear from Steve again at a future event.

Richard Gilliland

President, Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico

A number of questions and comments were raised by the audience. Goreham handled all with charm, professionalism and grace. He stuck to the facts, did not become emotional or argumentative with even the most hostile questioner. I recommend him highly for a visit to any campus.

Dr. Cecil Bohannon

Professor of Economics, Ball State University

…a highly engaging and professional speaker with proven results in delivering a timely, sometimes controversial message, in a personal, engaging and intellectual manner; all the while keeping his audience on the edge of their seats.

Sheila O’Connor

VP, Nebraska Trucking Association

My board of directors was most pleased with the selection of Steve to provide the keynote address.

Philip Rahrig

Executive Director, American Galvanizers Association

Dear Steve, Thank you very much for being our keynote speaker at this year's Business and Leadership Development Conference. Your presentation, "Resources and Energy: Alternative Futures”, was very well received by the vast majority of our delegates, a number of which had referred to your message as one of the best keynotes that we have ever hosted. I personally found your insights very interesting as well as being thought provoking. Your manner of presentation was very professional and the data presented was well laid out. Thank you again for joining us in Scottsdale, Arizona for this event.

Joseph E. Fritz

Executive Director, Investment Casting Institute
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Steve Goreham
Steve Goreham

5 out of 5 stars

Steve Goreham delivers a thoughtful and well-researched presentation on matters related to energy and public policy.

Doug Kurkul, CEO, American Foundry Society See all references

Keynote topics with Steve Goreham