Andy Cope, best-selling author and wellbeing expert, transforms corporate culture with his positive psychology insights.
Dr. Thomas Curran, world leader on perfectionism, brings groundbreaking insights to your event. Learn how to combat the rise of perfectionism.
Dr. Amrita Sen Mukherjee, TEDx Speaker and Posttraumatic Growth expert, empowers organizations to foster resilience and positive transformation.
Author and happiness advocate speaking about topics, such as 'positive leadership' and 'rethinking the formula of success'
Positive psychologist and happiness & well-being speaker creating success through positive engagement
From Ivy League Deans to Royal Families, Neil Pasricha's keynotes have moved audiences worldwide towards happiness and success.
Meet Elke, an esteemed keynote speaker fueled by boundless curiosity and a passion for people. Let her guide your organization towards success and mental resilience.
Author, empowerment and life coach, founder of Visions Institute for Spiritual Development
Rochelle Gapere's blend of legal acumen and happiness coaching is the secret to your organization's success. Learn how to infuse joy and productivity into your work culture.
Organizational Psychologist, Mental Health at Work Specialist, and Former Mental Health Therapist
CEO of A Culture of Kindness, founder of Sunshine People and Big Talk Global, cultural change consultant
Rikke Ă˜stergaard is a highly trained sociologist who specializes in mental health and workplace well-being. She delivers motivational, engaging talks that enable people to implement her teachings i...
Lawyer, international bestselling author, expert on the psychology of persuasion
Samantha Clarke’s mission is to help the next generation to learn how to be happy at work. Implementing strategies based in positive psychology and neuroscience, she empowers clients to live innova...
Empower your team with Elle Mace, a leader in positive psychology and body dysmorphia, delivering impactful and life-changing keynote sessions.
Transform your mindset and business outcomes with Dr. Leanne Elich's proven cognitive neuropsychology techniques and guidance.
Transform your workplace with René Oehlenschlæger's groundbreaking insights in positive psychology. Unlock peak performance.
Boost workplace resilience with Dr. Marie-Hélène Pelletier, a renowned psychologist and executive coach, bridging business acumen and mental health.
Professor, esteemed speaker, mom guiding parents, school systems and workplaces through positive education and psychology
Professor, social psychologist and expert on the science of happiness due to her award-winning research
Consultant, prime influence, and pioneer for happiness with passion for creating happy and more successful workplaces
TEDx speaker, former Global Director of the Happiness Institute at Coca-Cola and expert on positive leadership and mental health
Transcendental Meditation teacher and executive inspiring business and people to succeed and elevate through meditation