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Speakers on teenagers

  • Boyle

    Sherianna Boyle

    Expert in: Burnout to Balance, Energy in Action, Emotional Detoxing, Mindful Practices to Reduce Stress & More
  • Mercedes & Anastasia Korngut

    Teen entrepreneurs and youth speakers Mercedes & Anastasia Korngut have transformed their lives and created positive change through focusing on the Small Bits of Happiness in daily life. 

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About the topic: Teenagers

The teenage years span from around twelve or thirteen and until nineteen or twenty. The term originates from America in the 1950s.

To most people the teenage years make up a kind of transition phase, leaving childhood behind for good and growing up, trying to turn into an adult.

To most people the teenage years is also a period of big changes, of developing an own identity and personality, sexual feelings, ideas concerning morals, etc. To most people the teenage years are of the utmost importance in life.

Keynote speakers on teenagers might choose to focus on what life as a teenager is like or they may delve into more specific teenage-related topics.

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